pmachines pmachines is an open source puzzle game based on Rube Goldberg devices developed by Ya2 using Panda3D ( for Windows, and Linux. More information can be found on It requires Python 3.10 or higher. To run it, you should create the assets: * python images lang models To create the builds, you can use the awesome Panda3D's deployment tools: * python bdist_apps Here's a short guide about installing and preparing your environment for pmachines. * clone the repository: git clone * go into the directory: cd pmachines * create a python3 virtualenv: python3 -m venv venv * activate the virtualenv: . ./venv/bin/activate (now you should see (venv) before your prompt) * install the prerequisites: pip install -r requirements.txt * build the required assets: python lang images models * launch the game: python