NOTE ========================================================================== This works on Linux only. INSTALLATION ================================================================== pip install panda3d-appimage USAGE ========================================================================= In your file, add the following: from direct.dist.commands import bdist_apps from p3d_appimage import AppImageBuilder class BDistAppsCmd(bdist_apps): def run(self): AppImageBuilder(self).build() setup( ... cmdclass={"bdist_apps": BDistAppsCmd}, ... ) EXAMPLE ======================================================================= Let's build an AppImage for the Panda3D's Asteroids example. Modify the file ( adding these lines: from direct.dist.commands import bdist_apps from p3d_appimage import AppImageBuilder class BDistAppsCmd(bdist_apps): def run(self): AppImageBuilder(self).build() setup( ... cmdclass={"bdist_apps": BDistAppsCmd}, ... ) Then, launch the standard Panda3D build command: python bdist_apps At the end of the process, you will get the builds created by Panda3D and your AppImage in the dist/ folder. Do ./Asteroids-x86_64.AppImage to launch your AppImage. UPDATING APPIMAGES ============================================================ The builder can also update your AppImage. If you specify a zsync_path when you invoke the AppImageBuilder's method build(), then you can Invoke the AppImage's method update() in your application and this will update your AppImage.