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[pmachines.git] / tests / ya2 / build / test_build.py
1 '''Unit tests for lib.build.'''
2 from pathlib import Path
3 import sys
4 if '' in sys.path: sys.path.remove('')
5 sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.parent))
6 from os import getcwd, makedirs, walk
7 from os.path import basename
8 from shutil import rmtree
9 from unittest import TestCase
10 from re import compile
11 from ya2.build.build import InsideDir, files, exec_cmd, _branch, _version, \
12 to_be_built
15 class BuildTests(TestCase):
17 def setUp(self):
18 makedirs('test_get_files/a')
19 makedirs('test_get_files/b')
20 makedirs('test_get_files/c')
21 with open('test_get_files/a/c.ext1', 'w') as ftest:
22 ftest.write('0123456789')
23 with open('test_get_files/a/d.ext2', 'w'): pass
24 with open('test_get_files/b/e.ext2', 'w') as ftest:
25 ftest.write('0123456789')
26 with open('test_get_files/b/f.ext3', 'w'): pass
27 with open('test_get_files/c/g.ext2', 'w'): pass
29 def tearDown(self):
30 rmtree('test_get_files')
32 def test_exec_cmd(self):
33 self.assertEqual(exec_cmd('echo abc'), 'abc')
35 def test_branch(self):
36 self.assertIn(_branch(), ['master', 'rc', 'stable'])
38 def test_version(self):
39 patterns = [
40 "^0a[0-9]+$",
41 "^0rc[0-9]+$",
42 "^0\.[0-9]+$"]
43 compiled = [compile(pattern) for pattern in patterns]
44 matches = [pattern.match(_version()) for pattern in compiled]
45 self.assertTrue(any(matches))
47 def test_get_files(self):
48 _files = files(['ext2'], 'c')
49 self.assertSetEqual(set(_files),
50 set(['./test_get_files/a/d.ext2',
51 './test_get_files/b/e.ext2']))
53 def test_inside_dir(self):
54 dirs = [basename(x[0]) for x in walk('.')]
55 dirs = [dir_ for dir_ in dirs if dir_ not in ['.', '..']]
56 dirname = dirs[0]
57 self.assertNotEqual(basename(getcwd()), dirname)
58 with InsideDir(dirname):
59 self.assertEqual(basename(getcwd()), dirname)
60 self.assertNotEqual(basename(getcwd()), dirname)
62 def test_to_be_built(self):
63 tgt = 'test_get_files/tgt.txt'
64 with open('test_get_files/src.txt', 'w') as fsrc:
65 fsrc.write('src')
66 with open(tgt, 'w') as ftgt:
67 ftgt.write('tgt')
68 self.assertTrue(to_be_built(tgt, ['test_get_files/src.txt']))