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[pmachines.git] / pmachines / gui / menu.py
1 from logging import info, debug
2 from sys import platform, exit
3 from os import environ, system
4 from webbrowser import open_new_tab
5 from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy
6 from panda3d.core import Texture, TextNode, WindowProperties, LVector2i, \
7 TextProperties, TextPropertiesManager, NodePath
8 from direct.gui.DirectGui import DirectButton, DirectCheckButton, \
9 DirectOptionMenu, DirectSlider
10 from direct.gui.DirectGuiGlobals import FLAT
11 from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText
12 from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
13 from ya2.utils.cursor import MouseCursor
14 from ya2.p3d.p3d import LibP3d
17 class DirectOptionMenuTest(DirectOptionMenu):
19 def __init__(self, parent=None, **kw):
20 DirectOptionMenu.__init__(self, parent, **kw)
21 self.initialiseoptions(DirectOptionMenuTest)
23 def showPopupMenu(self, event=None):
24 super().showPopupMenu(event)
25 self._show_cb([self.component(cmp) for cmp in self.components()])
29 class Menu(DirectObject):
31 def __init__(self, fsm, lang_mgr, opt_file, music, pipeline, scenes,
32 fun_test, pos_mgr):
33 super().__init__()
34 self._fsm = fsm
35 self._lang_mgr = lang_mgr
36 self._opt_file = opt_file
37 self._music = music
38 self._pipeline = pipeline
39 self._scenes = scenes
40 self._fun_test = fun_test
41 self._pos_mgr = pos_mgr
42 self._enforced_res = ''
43 self._cursor = MouseCursor(
44 'assets/images/buttons/arrowUpLeft.dds', (.04, 1, .04),
45 (.5, .5, .5, 1), (.01, .01))
46 self._font = base.loader.load_font(
47 'assets/fonts/Hanken-Book.ttf')
48 self._font.clear()
49 self._font.set_pixels_per_unit(60)
50 self._font.set_minfilter(Texture.FTLinearMipmapLinear)
51 self._font.set_outline((0, 0, 0, 1), .8, .2)
52 self._widgets = []
53 self._common = {
54 'scale': .12,
55 'text_font': self._font,
56 'text_fg': (.9, .9, .9, 1),
57 'relief': FLAT,
58 'frameColor': (.4, .4, .4, .14),
59 'rolloverSound': loader.load_sfx(
60 'assets/audio/sfx/rollover.ogg'),
61 'clickSound': loader.load_sfx(
62 'assets/audio/sfx/click.ogg')}
63 self._common_btn = {'frameSize': (-4.8, 4.8, -.6, 1.2)} | self._common
64 hlc = self._common_btn['frameColor']
65 hlc = (hlc[0] + .2, hlc[1] + .2, hlc[2] + .2, hlc[3] + .2)
66 self._common_opt = {
67 'item_frameColor': self._common_btn['frameColor'],
68 'popupMarker_frameColor': self._common_btn['frameColor'],
69 'item_relief': self._common_btn['relief'],
70 'item_text_font': self._common_btn['text_font'],
71 'item_text_fg': self._common_btn['text_fg'],
72 'textMayChange': 1,
73 'highlightColor': hlc,
74 'text_align': TextNode.A_center,
75 } | self._common_btn
76 f_s = self._common_opt['frameSize']
77 self._common_opt['frameSize'] = f_s[0], f_s[1] - .56, f_s[2], f_s[3]
78 self._common_slider = self._common | {
79 'range': (0, 1),
80 'thumb_frameColor': (.4, .4, .4, .4),
81 'thumb_scale': 1.6,
82 'scale': .4}
83 del self._common_slider['rolloverSound']
84 del self._common_slider['clickSound']
85 self._set_main()
87 def enforce_res(self, val):
88 self._enforced_res = val
89 info('enforced resolution: ' + val)
91 def _set_main(self):
92 self._pos_mgr.reset()
93 self._widgets = []
94 self._widgets += [DirectButton(
95 text=_('Play'), pos=(0, 1, .6), command=self.on_play,
96 **self._common_btn)]
97 self._pos_mgr.register('play', LibP3d.wdg_pos(self._widgets[-1]))
98 self._widgets += [DirectButton(
99 text=_('Options'), pos=(0, 1, .2), command=self.on_options,
100 **self._common_btn)]
101 self._pos_mgr.register('options', LibP3d.wdg_pos(self._widgets[-1]))
102 self._widgets += [DirectButton(
103 text=_('Credits'), pos=(0, 1, -.2), command=self.on_credits,
104 **self._common_btn)]
105 self._pos_mgr.register('credits', LibP3d.wdg_pos(self._widgets[-1]))
107 def btn_exit():
108 if self._fun_test:
109 ServerProxy('http://localhost:6000').destroy()
110 exit()
111 self._widgets += [DirectButton(
112 text=_('Exit'), pos=(0, 1, -.6), command=lambda: btn_exit(),
113 **self._common_btn)]
114 self._pos_mgr.register('exit', LibP3d.wdg_pos(self._widgets[-1]))
115 self._rearrange_width()
116 self.accept('enforce_resolution', self.enforce_res)
118 def _set_options(self):
119 self._pos_mgr.reset()
120 self._widgets = []
121 self._lang_funcs = [lambda: _('English'), lambda: _('Italian')]
122 items = [fnc() for fnc in self._lang_funcs]
123 inititem = {
124 'en': _('English'),
125 'it': _('Italian')
126 }[self._opt_file['settings']['language']]
128 def lang_cb(comps):
129 self._pos_mgr.remove(['english', 'italian'])
130 for lng, btn in zip(['english', 'italian'], comps):
131 pos = LibP3d.wdg_pos(btn)
132 self._pos_mgr.register(lng, (pos[0] + 5, pos[1]))
133 btn = DirectOptionMenuTest(
134 text=_('Language'), items=items, initialitem=inititem,
135 pos=(0, 1, .8), command=self.on_language, **self._common_opt)
136 btn._show_cb = lang_cb
137 btn.popupMenu['frameColor'] = self._common_btn['frameColor']
138 btn.popupMenu['relief'] = self._common_btn['relief']
139 self._widgets += [btn]
140 pos_lang = LibP3d.wdg_pos(self._widgets[-1])
141 self._pos_mgr.register('languages', pos_lang)
142 self._widgets += [OnscreenText(
143 _('Volume'), pos=(-.1, .55), font=self._common['text_font'],
144 scale=self._common['scale'], fg=self._common['text_fg'],
145 align=TextNode.A_right)]
146 self._widgets += [DirectSlider(
147 pos=(.5, 1, .57),
148 value=self._opt_file['settings']['volume'],
149 command=self.on_volume,
150 **self._common_slider)]
151 vol_pos = LibP3d.wdg_pos(self._widgets[-1])
152 self._pos_mgr.register('volume', vol_pos)
153 np_left = NodePath('left_slider')
154 np_left.set_pos(self._widgets[-1].get_net_transform().get_pos())
155 np_left.set_x(np_left.get_x() - self._widgets[-1].get_scale()[0])
156 lpos = LibP3d.wdg_pos(np_left)
157 self._pos_mgr.register('volume_0', lpos)
158 self._slider = self._widgets[-1]
159 self._widgets += [DirectCheckButton(
160 text=_('Fullscreen'), pos=(0, 1, .3), command=self.on_fullscreen,
161 indicator_frameColor=self._common_opt['highlightColor'],
162 indicator_relief=self._common_btn['relief'],
163 indicatorValue=self._opt_file['settings']['fullscreen'],
164 **self._common_btn)]
165 self._pos_mgr.register('fullscreen', LibP3d.wdg_pos(self._widgets[-1]))
166 res = self._opt_file['settings']['resolution']
167 d_i = base.pipe.get_display_information()
168 def _res(idx):
169 return d_i.get_display_mode_width(idx), \
170 d_i.get_display_mode_height(idx)
171 resolutions = [
172 _res(idx) for idx in range(d_i.get_total_display_modes())]
173 resolutions = list(set(resolutions))
174 resolutions = sorted(resolutions)
175 resolutions = [(str(_res[0]), str(_res[1])) for _res in resolutions]
176 resolutions = ['x'.join(_res) for _res in resolutions]
177 if not res:
178 res = resolutions[-1]
180 def res_cb(comps):
181 self._pos_mgr.remove(['res_1440x900', 'res_1360x768'])
182 for tgt_res in ['1440x900', '1360x768']:
183 for btn in comps:
184 if btn['text'] == tgt_res:
185 pos = LibP3d.wdg_pos(btn)
186 self._pos_mgr.register('res_' + tgt_res, (pos[0] + 5, pos[1]))
187 btn = DirectOptionMenuTest(
188 text=_('Resolution'), items=resolutions, initialitem=res,
189 pos=(0, 1, .05), command=self.on_resolution, **self._common_opt)
190 btn._show_cb = res_cb
191 btn.popupMenu['frameColor'] = self._common_btn['frameColor']
192 btn.popupMenu['relief'] = self._common_btn['relief']
193 self._widgets += [btn]
194 pos_res = LibP3d.wdg_pos(self._widgets[-1])
195 self._pos_mgr.register('resolutions', pos_res) # 680 365
196 self._pos_mgr.register('res_1440x900', [pos_res[0] + 320, pos_res[1] + 75])
197 self._pos_mgr.register('res_1360x768', [pos_res[0] + 430, pos_res[1] -285])
198 self._widgets += [DirectCheckButton(
199 text=_('Antialiasing'), pos=(0, 1, -.2), command=self.on_aa,
200 indicator_frameColor=self._common_opt['highlightColor'],
201 indicator_relief=self._common_btn['relief'],
202 indicatorValue=self._opt_file['settings']['antialiasing'],
203 **self._common_btn)]
204 self._pos_mgr.register('aa', LibP3d.wdg_pos(self._widgets[-1]))
205 self._widgets += [DirectCheckButton(
206 text=_('Shadows'), pos=(0, 1, -.45), command=self.on_shadows,
207 indicator_frameColor=self._common_opt['highlightColor'],
208 indicator_relief=self._common_btn['relief'],
209 indicatorValue=self._opt_file['settings']['shadows'],
210 **self._common_btn)]
211 self._pos_mgr.register('shadows', LibP3d.wdg_pos(self._widgets[-1]))
212 self._widgets += [DirectButton(
213 text=_('Back'), pos=(0, 1, -.8), command=self.on_back,
214 **self._common_btn)]
215 self._pos_mgr.register('back', LibP3d.wdg_pos(self._widgets[-1]))
216 self.accept('enforce_resolution', self.enforce_res)
218 def _set_credits(self):
219 self._pos_mgr.reset()
220 self._widgets = []
221 tp_scale = TextProperties()
222 tp_scale.set_text_scale(.64)
223 TextPropertiesManager.getGlobalPtr().setProperties('scale', tp_scale)
224 self._widgets += [OnscreenText(
225 _('Code and gfx\n \1scale\1Flavio Calva\2\n\n\nMusic\n \1scale\1Stefan Grossmann\2'),
226 pos=(-.9, .55), font=self._common['text_font'],
227 scale=self._common['scale'], fg=self._common['text_fg'],
228 align=TextNode.A_left)]
229 self._widgets += [DirectButton(
230 text=_('Website'), pos=(-.6, 1, .29), command=self.on_website,
231 **self._common_btn | {'scale': .08})]
232 self._widgets += [OnscreenText(
233 _('Special thanks to:\n \1scale\1rdb\2\n \1scale\1Luisa Tenuta\2\n \1scale\1Damiana Ercolani\2'),
234 pos=(.1, .55), font=self._common['text_font'],
235 scale=self._common['scale'], fg=self._common['text_fg'],
236 align=TextNode.A_left)]
237 self._widgets += [DirectButton(
238 text=_('Back'), pos=(0, 1, -.8), command=self.on_back,
239 **self._common_btn)]
240 self._pos_mgr.register('back', LibP3d.wdg_pos(self._widgets[-1]))
241 self.accept('enforce_resolution', self.enforce_res)
243 def on_play(self):
244 self._pos_mgr.reset()
245 self.destroy()
246 self._cursor = MouseCursor(
247 'assets/images/buttons/arrowUpLeft.dds', (.04, 1, .04), (.5, .5, .5, 1),
248 (.01, .01))
249 self._widgets = []
250 cmn = self._common_btn.copy() | {
251 'frameSize': (-2.4, 2.4, -2.4, 2.4),
252 'frameColor': (1, 1, 1, .8),
253 'text_scale': .64}
254 left = - (dx := .8) * (min(4, len(self._scenes)) - 1) / 2
255 for i, cls in enumerate(self._scenes):
256 top = .1 if len(self._scenes) < 5 else .6
257 row = 0 if i < 4 else 1
258 self._widgets += [DirectButton(
259 text=cls.name(), pos=(left + dx * (i % 4), 1, top - dx * row),
260 command=self.start, extraArgs=[cls], text_wordwrap=6,
261 frameTexture='assets/images/scenes/%s.dds' % cls.__name__,
262 **cmn)]
263 name = cls.__name__[5:].lower()
264 self._pos_mgr.register(name, LibP3d.wdg_pos(self._widgets[-1]))
265 for j in range(4):
266 tnode = self._widgets[-1].component('text%s' % j).textNode
267 height = - tnode.getLineHeight() / 2
268 height += (tnode.get_height() - tnode.get_line_height()) / 2
269 self._widgets[-1].component('text%s' % j).set_pos(0, 0, height)
270 self._widgets += [DirectButton(
271 text=_('Back'), pos=(0, 1, -.8), command=self.on_back,
272 **self._common_btn)]
273 self._pos_mgr.register('back', LibP3d.wdg_pos(self._widgets[-1]))
275 def start(self, cls):
276 self._fsm.demand('Scene', cls)
278 def on_options(self):
279 self.destroy()
280 self._cursor = MouseCursor(
281 'assets/images/buttons/arrowUpLeft.dds', (.04, 1, .04), (.5, .5, .5, 1),
282 (.01, .01))
283 self._set_options()
285 def on_credits(self):
286 self.destroy()
287 self._cursor = MouseCursor(
288 'assets/images/buttons/arrowUpLeft.dds', (.04, 1, .04), (.5, .5, .5, 1),
289 (.01, .01))
290 self._set_credits()
292 def _rearrange_width(self):
293 max_width = 0
294 for wdg in self._widgets:
295 t_n = wdg.component('text0')
296 u_l = t_n.textNode.get_upper_left_3d()
297 l_r = t_n.textNode.get_lower_right_3d()
298 max_width = max(l_r[0] - u_l[0], max_width)
299 for wdg in self._widgets:
300 m_w = max_width / 2 + .8
301 wdg['frameSize'] = -m_w, m_w, wdg['frameSize'][2], wdg['frameSize'][3]
303 def on_language(self, arg):
304 lang_code = {
305 _('English'): 'en_EN',
306 _('Italian'): 'it_IT'}[arg]
307 self._lang_mgr.set_lang(lang_code)
308 self._opt_file['settings']['language'] = lang_code[:2]
309 self._opt_file.store()
310 self.on_options()
312 def on_volume(self):
313 self._opt_file['settings']['volume'] = self._slider['value']
314 self._music.set_volume(self._slider['value'])
316 def on_fullscreen(self, arg):
317 props = WindowProperties()
318 props.set_fullscreen(arg)
319 if not self._fun_test:
320 base.win.request_properties(props)
321 # if we actually switch to fullscreen during the tests then
322 # exwm inside qemu can't restore the correct resolution
323 # i may re-enable this if/when i run the tests onto a
324 # physical machine
325 self._opt_file['settings']['fullscreen'] = int(arg)
326 self._opt_file.store()
328 def on_resolution(self, arg):
329 info('on resolution: %s (%s)' % (arg, self._enforced_res))
330 arg = self._enforced_res or arg
331 info('set resolution: %s' % arg)
332 props = WindowProperties()
333 props.set_size(LVector2i(*[int(_res) for _res in arg.split('x')]))
334 base.win.request_properties(props)
335 self._opt_file['settings']['resolution'] = arg
336 self._opt_file.store()
338 def on_aa(self, arg):
339 self._pipeline.msaa_samples = 4 if arg else 1
340 debug(f'msaa: {self._pipeline.msaa_samples}')
341 self._opt_file['settings']['antialiasing'] = int(arg)
342 self._opt_file.store()
344 def on_shadows(self, arg):
345 self._pipeline.enable_shadows = int(arg)
346 debug(f'shadows: {self._pipeline.enable_shadows}')
347 self._opt_file['settings']['shadows'] = int(arg)
348 self._opt_file.store()
350 def on_website(self):
351 if platform.startswith('linux'):
352 environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ''
353 system('xdg-open https://www.ya2.it')
354 else:
355 open_new_tab('https://www.ya2.it')
357 def on_back(self):
358 self._opt_file.store()
359 self.destroy()
360 self._cursor = MouseCursor(
361 'assets/images/buttons/arrowUpLeft.dds', (.04, 1, .04), (.5, .5, .5, 1),
362 (.01, .01))
363 self._set_main()
365 def destroy(self):
366 [wdg.destroy() for wdg in self._widgets]
367 self._cursor.destroy()
368 self.ignore('enforce_resolution')