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functional tests: versions
[pmachines.git] / lib / engine / functional.py
1 '''Create ref:
2 * M-x fla-set-fun-test
3 * rm options.ini
4 * python main.py --functional-test 1 --functional-ref
5 * python main.py --functional-test 2 --functional-ref
6 * M-x fla-unset-fun-test'''
7 import datetime
8 from os import getcwd, system
9 from logging import debug, info
10 from pathlib import Path
11 from shutil import rmtree
12 from os import makedirs
13 from os.path import join, exists
14 from glob import glob
15 from sys import exit
16 from panda3d.core import Filename
17 from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText
18 from lib.gameobject import GameObject
19 from lib.build.build import _branch
22 class FunctionalTest(GameObject):
24 screenshot_time = 1.2
25 evt_time = 1.0
26 start_time = 2
28 def __init__(self, idx, ref):
29 super().__init__()
30 self.txt = OnscreenText('', fg=(1, 0, 0, 1), scale=.16)
31 #self._path = ''
32 #if self.eng.is_appimage:
33 self._path = str(Filename().get_user_appdata_directory())
34 self._path += '/pmachines/'
35 self._path += 'tests/functional%s/' % ('_ref' if ref else '')
36 home = '/home/flavio' # we must force this for wine
37 # if self._path.startswith('/c/users/') and exists(str(Path.home()) + '/.local/share/flatpak-wine601/default/'):
38 # self._path = str(Path.home()) + '/.local/share/flatpak-wine601/default/drive_' + self._path[1:]
39 if self._path.startswith('/c/users/') and exists(home + '/.wine/'):
40 self._path = home + '/.wine/drive_' + self._path[1:]
41 if ref:
42 self._path = join(
43 Filename().get_user_appdata_directory(),
44 'pmachines/tests/functional_ref_%s/' % _branch())
45 self._curr_time = 0
46 if int(idx) == 1:
47 rmtree(self._path, ignore_errors=True)
48 info('creating dir: %s' % self._path)
49 makedirs(self._path, exist_ok=True)
50 self._fnames = []
51 self._tasks = []
52 self._prev_time = 0
53 #self.eng.attach_obs(self.on_frame_unpausable)
54 taskMgr.add(self.on_frame_unpausable, 'on-frame-unpausable')
55 self.__mouse_move((0, 0)) # otherwise it has not the pointer
56 self._do_screenshots(idx)
58 def _do_screenshot(self, path=None):
59 time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%y%m%d%H%M%S')
60 #res = base.win.save_screenshot(Filename(path or ("yocto%s.png" % time)))
61 #debug('screenshot %s (%s)' % (path or ("yocto%s.png" % time), res))
62 res = base.screenshot(path or ("pmachines%s.png" % time), False)
63 info('screenshot %s (%s; %s)' % (path or ("pmachines%s.png" % time), res, getcwd()))
65 def _screenshot(self, time, name):
66 self._fnames += [self._path + name + '.png']
67 self._tasks += [(
68 self._curr_time + time,
69 lambda: self._do_screenshot(self._path + name + '.png'),
70 'screenshot: %s' % name)]
71 def txt(show_hide):
72 self.txt['text'] = name
73 (self.txt.show if show_hide else self.txt.hide)()
74 self._tasks += [(
75 self._curr_time + time + .1,
76 lambda: txt(True),
77 'screenshot: %s (show)' % name)]
78 self._tasks += [(
79 self._curr_time + time + FunctionalTest.evt_time - .1,
80 lambda: txt(False),
81 'screenshot: %s (hide)' % name)]
82 self._curr_time += time
84 def __keypress(self, key):
85 '''Emulates a keypress'''
86 dev = base.win.getInputDevice(0)
87 dev.buttonDown(key)
88 dev.buttonUp(key)
90 def __char_entered(self, char):
91 '''Emulates a character being entered.'''
92 dev = base.win.getInputDevice(0)
93 dev.keystroke(ord(char))
95 def __mouse_click(self, pos, btn):
96 base.win.move_pointer(0, pos[0], pos[1])
97 self.__keypress('mouse%s' % (3 if btn == 'right' else 1))
99 def __mouse_move(self, pos):
100 center = base.pipe.get_display_width() / 2, \
101 base.pipe.get_display_height() / 2
102 tgt = pos[0] + center[0], pos[1] + center[1]
103 system('xdotool mousemove %s %s' % tgt)
105 def __mouse_drag(self, start, end, btn):
106 btn = 'mouse%s' % (3 if btn == 'right' else 1)
107 dev = base.win.get_input_device(0)
108 base.win.move_pointer(0, start[0], start[1])
109 dev.buttonDown(btn)
110 def drop(task):
111 base.win.move_pointer(0, end[0], end[1])
112 def drop_up(task):
113 dev.button_up(btn)
114 taskMgr.do_method_later(.01, drop_up, 'drop_up')
115 taskMgr.do_method_later(.01, drop, 'drop')
117 def _event(self, time, evt, messenger_evt=False, append_up=True, mouse_args=None):
118 def _append_up(evt_name):
119 return evt + ('' if evt.endswith('-up') or not append_up else '-up')
120 def cback_char(_evt):
121 self.__char_entered(_evt)
122 def cback_keyp(_evt):
123 self.__keypress(_evt)
124 self.__keypress('raw-' + _evt)
125 cback = lambda: (cback_char(evt) if len(evt) == 1 else cback_keyp(evt))
126 if evt in ['mousemove', 'mouseclick', 'mousedrag']:
127 if evt == 'mousemove':
128 cback = lambda: self.__mouse_move(*mouse_args)
129 elif evt == 'mouseclick':
130 cback = lambda: self.__mouse_click(*mouse_args)
131 elif evt == 'mousedrag':
132 cback = lambda: self.__mouse_drag(*mouse_args)
133 if messenger_evt:
134 cback = lambda: messenger.send(_append_up(evt))
135 self._tasks += [(
136 self._curr_time + time,
137 cback,
138 'event: %s' % evt)]
139 def txt(show_hide):
140 self.txt['text'] = evt
141 (self.txt.show if show_hide else self.txt.hide)()
142 self._tasks += [(
143 self._curr_time + time + .2,
144 lambda: txt(True),
145 'event: %s (show)' % evt)]
146 self._tasks += [(
147 self._curr_time + time + .8,
148 lambda: txt(False),
149 'event: %s (hide)' % evt)]
150 self._curr_time += time
152 def _verify(self):
153 def __verify():
154 files = glob(self._path + '*')
155 for fname in self._fnames:
156 info('verifying %s' % fname)
157 assert exists(fname)
158 self._tasks += [(
159 self._curr_time + 3,
160 lambda: __verify(),
161 'verify')]
162 self._curr_time += 3
164 def _exit(self):
165 self._tasks += [(
166 self._curr_time + 3,
167 lambda: exit(),
168 'exit')]
170 def on_frame_unpausable(self, task):
171 for tsk in self._tasks:
172 #if self._prev_time <= tsk[0] < self.eng.event.unpaused_time:
173 if self._prev_time <= tsk[0] < globalClock.getFrameTime():
174 debug('%s %s' % (tsk[0], tsk[2]))
175 tsk[1]()
176 self._prev_time = globalClock.getFrameTime() # self.eng.event.unpaused_time
177 return task.cont
179 def _do_screenshots_1(self):
180 info('_do_screenshots_1')
181 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.start_time, 'main_menu')
182 self._do_screenshots_credits()
183 self._do_screenshots_options()
184 self._do_screenshots_exit()
186 def _do_screenshots_credits(self):
187 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 410), 'left'])
188 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'credits_menu')
189 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 630), 'left'])
190 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'main_menu_back_from_credits')
191 # # go to credits
192 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'joypad0-dpad_down', True)
193 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
194 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'joypad0-dpad_down', True)
195 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
196 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'main_menu_highlight')
197 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
198 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'credits_menu')
199 # # go to supporters
200 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'joypad0-face_a', True)
201 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'supporters_menu')
202 # # back to main
203 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
204 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'joypad0-face_b', True)
205 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
206 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
207 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
208 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
210 def _do_screenshots_options(self):
211 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 270), 'left'])
212 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu')
213 # languages
214 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 50), 'left'])
215 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'open_languages')
216 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(930, 110), 'left'])
217 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_italian')
218 # volume
219 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(703, 153), 'left'])
220 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_drag_1')
221 # antialiasing
222 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 420), 'left'])
223 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'antialiasing_no')
224 # shadows
225 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 510), 'left'])
226 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'shadows_no')
227 # test aa and shadows
228 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 630), 'left']) # back
229 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 130), 'left']) # play
230 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(220, 150), 'left']) # domino
231 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(845, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
232 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'aa_no_shadows_no')
233 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(25, 695), 'left']) # home
235 def _do_screenshots_restore_options(self):
236 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 270), 'left'])
237 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_restored')
238 # languages
239 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 50), 'left'])
240 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'open_languages_restored')
241 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(930, 30), 'left'])
242 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_english')
243 # volume
244 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(677, 153), 'left'])
245 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_drag_2')
246 # fullscreen
247 # the first one is because of the windowed mode in test
248 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 240), 'left'])
249 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fullscreen')
250 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 240), 'left'])
251 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fullscreen')
252 # self._event(8 + FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 240), 'left'])
253 # self._screenshot(8 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'back_from_fullscreen')
254 # resolution
255 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 330), 'left'])
256 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'resolutions')
257 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(950, 470), 'left'])
258 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, '1440x900')
259 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(720, 410), 'left'])
260 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'resolutions_2')
261 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1120, 420), 'left'])
262 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, '1280x720')
263 # antialiasing
264 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 420), 'left'])
265 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'antialiasing_yes')
266 # shadows
267 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 510), 'left'])
268 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'shadows_yes')
269 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 630), 'left']) # back
271 # # go to options
272 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
273 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
274 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
275 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu')
276 # # language
277 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
278 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'language_open')
279 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
280 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'language_highlight')
281 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
282 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'language_it')
283 # # volume
284 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
285 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_right')
286 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_right')
287 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'volume')
288 # # car's number
289 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
290 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
291 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'cars_open')
292 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
293 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'cars_changed')
294 # # back
295 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
296 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
297 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
298 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
299 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
300 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
302 def _do_screenshots_play(self):
303 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 130), 'left']) # play
304 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'play_menu')
305 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(220, 150), 'left']) # domino scene
306 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_domino_instructions')
307 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(800, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
308 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_domino')
309 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(25, 695), 'left']) # home
310 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'home_back_from_scene')
311 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 130), 'left']) # play
312 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(220, 150), 'left']) # domino
313 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(800, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
314 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(60, 695), 'left']) # info
315 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'info')
316 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(800, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
317 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(30, 50), (370, 220), 'left']) # drag a piece
318 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'domino_dragged')
319 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(500, 340), 'left']) # rewind
320 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'rewind')
321 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(30, 50), (525, 350), 'left']) # drag a piece
322 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(30, 510), (670, 350), 'left']) # drag a piece
323 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
324 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_domino')
325 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(590, 420), 'left']) # home
326 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'home_back_from_fail')
327 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 130), 'left']) # play
328 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(220, 150), 'left']) # domino
329 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(800, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
330 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(30, 50), (525, 350), 'left']) # drag a piece
331 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(30, 50), (670, 350), 'left']) # drag a piece
332 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
333 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_domino_2')
334 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 420), 'left']) # replay
335 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(30, 50), (540, 140), 'left']) # drag a piece
336 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(540, 130), (600, 130), 'right']) # rotate the piece
337 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(30, 50), (665, 355), 'left']) # drag a piece
338 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
339 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_domino')
340 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(690, 420), 'left']) # next
341 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_box')
342 # scene 2
343 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(830, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
344 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (660, 585), 'left']) # drag a box
345 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (660, 515), 'left']) # drag a box
346 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
347 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_box')
348 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 420), 'left']) # replay
349 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (660, 585), 'left']) # drag a box
350 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (660, 515), 'left']) # drag a box
351 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (660, 430), 'left']) # drag a box
352 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
353 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_box')
354 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(690, 420), 'left']) # next
355 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_box_domino')
356 # scene 3
357 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(875, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
358 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (865, 415), 'left']) # drag a box
359 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (865, 330), 'left']) # drag a box
360 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
361 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_box_domino')
362 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 420), 'left']) # replay
363 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (860, 415), 'left']) # drag a box
364 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (775, 235), 'left']) # drag a box
365 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
366 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_box_domino')
367 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(690, 420), 'left']) # next
368 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_basketball')
369 # scene 4
370 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(820, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
371 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (630, 300), 'left']) # drag a ball
372 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
373 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_basketball')
374 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 420), 'left']) # replay
375 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (360, 150), 'left']) # drag a ball
376 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
377 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_basketball')
378 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(690, 420), 'left']) # next
379 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_domino_box_basketball')
380 # scene 5
381 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(815, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
382 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (550, 415), 'left']) # drag a box
383 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(30, 50), (560, 340), 'left']) # drag a piece
384 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
385 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_domino_box_basketball')
386 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 420), 'left']) # replay
387 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (550, 415), 'left']) # drag a box
388 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(30, 50), (618, 412), 'left']) # drag a piece
389 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(620, 430), (660, 425), 'right']) # rotate a piece
390 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(615, 415), (615, 420), 'left']) # drag a piece
391 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
392 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_domino_box_basketball')
393 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(690, 420), 'left']) # next
394 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_teeter_tooter')
395 # # scene 6
396 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(820, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
397 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (490, 300), 'left']) # drag a box
398 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
399 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_teeter_tooter')
400 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 420), 'left']) # replay
401 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (490, 150), 'left']) # drag a box
402 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(515, 115), (515, 122), 'right']) # rotate a box
403 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
404 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_teeter_tooter')
405 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(690, 420), 'left']) # next
406 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_teeter_domino_box_basketball')
407 # scene 7
408 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(880, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
409 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (155, 180), 'left']) # drag a box
410 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
411 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_teeter_domino_box_basketball')
412 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 420), 'left']) # replay
413 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (170, 80), 'left']) # drag a box
414 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(195, 50), (195, 80), 'right']) # rotate a box
415 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
416 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_teeter_domino_box_basketball')
417 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(590, 420), 'left']) # home
418 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'home_from_play')
420 def _do_screenshots_exit(self):
421 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
422 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
423 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
424 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
425 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
426 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
427 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
428 self._verify()
429 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
430 # self._exit()
431 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 560), 'left'])
434 def _do_screenshots_2(self):
435 info('_do_screenshots_2')
436 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.start_time, 'main_menu_2')
437 self._do_screenshots_restore_options()
438 self._do_screenshots_play()
439 self._do_screenshots_exit()
440 # self._do_screenshots_game()
441 # self._do_screenshots_end()
443 # def _do_screenshots_restore_options(self):
444 # # go to options
445 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'joypad0-dpad_down', True)
446 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
447 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
448 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_restored')
449 # # # language
450 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
451 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
452 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
453 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'language_en_restored')
454 # # # volume
455 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
456 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_left')
457 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_left')
458 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'volume_restored')
459 # # car's number
460 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
461 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
462 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
463 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
464 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
465 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
466 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
467 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'cars_restored')
468 # # graphics settings
469 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
470 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
471 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'graphics_settings')
472 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
473 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
474 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
475 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'antialiasing')
476 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
477 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
478 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
479 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'shadows')
480 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
481 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
482 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
483 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fog')
484 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
485 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
486 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
487 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'normal_mapping')
488 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
489 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
490 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
491 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'occlusion')
492 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
493 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
494 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
495 # # input
496 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
497 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
498 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'input')
499 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
500 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p1')
501 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
502 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p1_rec')
503 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, '8', True, False)
504 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p1_changed')
505 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
506 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up', True, False)
507 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p1_restored')
508 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
509 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'w', True, False)
510 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p1_already')
511 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
512 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p1_already_closed')
513 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
514 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
515 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
516 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
517 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
518 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p2')
519 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
520 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
521 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
522 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
523 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
524 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p3')
525 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
526 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
527 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
528 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
529 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
530 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p4')
531 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
532 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
533 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
534 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
535 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
536 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
537 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
538 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
539 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
540 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
541 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
542 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
543 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
544 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
545 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
546 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
547 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
549 # def _do_screenshots_game(self):
550 # # single player
551 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
552 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'single_player_menu')
553 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
554 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'track_page')
555 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
556 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'car_page_start')
557 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_left')
558 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'car_page_sel')
559 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
560 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'driver_page_start')
561 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
562 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
563 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
564 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
565 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
566 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
567 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
568 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
569 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
570 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
571 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
572 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_left')
573 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
574 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
575 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
576 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
577 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
578 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_left')
579 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
580 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
581 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
582 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'driver_page_entry')
583 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
584 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
585 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
586 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
587 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
588 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
589 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
590 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
591 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
592 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
593 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'driver_page_entry_empty')
594 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'f')
595 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'l')
596 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'a')
597 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'v')
598 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'i')
599 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'o')
600 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'enter')
601 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'driver_page_entry_full')
602 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
603 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_right')
604 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'driver_page_sel')
605 # # some ai tests
606 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
607 # self._event(40, 'escape-up')
608 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'ingame_menu')
609 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
610 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'race_back')
611 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'escape-up')
612 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
613 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'ingame_sel')
614 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
615 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'main_page_back_race')
617 # def _do_screenshots_end(self):
618 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
619 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
620 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
621 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
622 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
623 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
624 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'exit_page')
625 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
626 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'exit_page_sel')
627 # self._verify()
628 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
629 # self._exit()
631 def _do_screenshots(self, idx):
632 [self._do_screenshots_1, self._do_screenshots_2][int(idx) - 1]()