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[pmachines.git] / lib / engine / functional.py
1 import datetime
2 from os import getcwd, system
3 from logging import debug, info
4 from pathlib import Path
5 from shutil import rmtree
6 from os import makedirs
7 from os.path import join, exists
8 from glob import glob
9 from sys import exit
10 from multiprocessing.connection import Listener
11 from threading import Thread
12 from panda3d.core import Filename
13 from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText
14 from lib.gameobject import GameObject
15 from lib.build.build import _branch
18 class ListenerThread(Thread):
20 def __init__(self, callbacks):
21 Thread.__init__(self)
22 address = ('localhost', 6000)
23 self._listener = Listener(address)
24 self._listener._listener._socket.settimeout(15)
25 try:
26 self._conn = self._listener.accept()
27 except TimeoutError:
28 info('listener timeout')
29 self._callbacks = callbacks
31 def run(self):
32 running = hasattr(self, '_conn')
33 while running:
34 try:
35 msg = self._conn.recv()
36 if msg[0] == 'screenshot':
37 taskMgr.doMethodLater(.01, self._callbacks[0], 'cb0', [msg[1]])
38 elif msg[0] == 'enforce_res':
39 taskMgr.doMethodLater(.01, self._callbacks[1], 'cb1', [msg[1]])
40 elif msg[0] == 'verify':
41 taskMgr.doMethodLater(.01, self._callbacks[2], 'cb2')
42 except EOFError:
43 running = False
46 class FunctionalTest(GameObject):
48 def __init__(self, ref):
49 super().__init__()
50 self._listener = ListenerThread([self._do_screenshot, self._do_enforce_res, self.__verify])
51 self._listener.start()
52 self.txt = OnscreenText('', fg=(1, 0, 0, 1), scale=.16)
53 #self._path = ''
54 #if self.eng.is_appimage:
55 self._path = str(Filename().get_user_appdata_directory())
56 self._path += '/pmachines/'
57 self._path += 'tests/functional%s/' % ('_ref' if ref else '')
58 home = '/home/flavio' # we must force this for wine
59 # if self._path.startswith('/c/users/') and exists(str(Path.home()) + '/.local/share/flatpak-wine601/default/'):
60 # self._path = str(Path.home()) + '/.local/share/flatpak-wine601/default/drive_' + self._path[1:]
61 if self._path.startswith('/c/users/') and exists(home + '/.wine/'):
62 self._path = home + '/.wine/drive_' + self._path[1:]
63 if ref:
64 self._path = join(
65 Filename().get_user_appdata_directory(),
66 'pmachines/tests/functional_ref_%s/' % _branch())
67 #if int(idx) == 1:
68 # rmtree(self._path, ignore_errors=True)
69 info('creating dir: %s' % self._path)
70 makedirs(self._path, exist_ok=True)
71 self._fnames = []
72 #taskMgr.add(self.on_frame_unpausable, 'on-frame-unpausable')
73 #self._do_screenshots(idx)
75 def _do_screenshot(self, name):
76 self._fnames += [self._path + name]
77 #time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%y%m%d%H%M%S')
78 #res = base.win.save_screenshot(Filename(path or ("yocto%s.png" % time)))
79 #debug('screenshot %s (%s)' % (path or ("yocto%s.png" % time), res))
80 res = base.screenshot(self._path + name, False)
81 info('screenshot %s (%s; %s)' % (self._path + name, res, getcwd()))
83 def _do_enforce_res(self, res):
84 info('enforce_res %s' % res)
85 messenger.send('enforce_res', [res])
87 #def _screenshot(self, time, name):
88 #self._fnames += [self._path + name + '.png']
89 #self._tasks += [(
90 # self._curr_time + time,
91 # lambda: self._do_screenshot(self._path + name + '.png'),
92 # 'screenshot: %s' % name)]
93 #def txt(show_hide):
94 # self.txt['text'] = name
95 # (self.txt.show if show_hide else self.txt.hide)()
96 #self._tasks += [(
97 # self._curr_time + time + .1,
98 # lambda: txt(True),
99 # 'screenshot: %s (show)' % name)]
100 #self._tasks += [(
101 # self._curr_time + time + FunctionalTest.evt_time - .1,
102 # lambda: txt(False),
103 # 'screenshot: %s (hide)' % name)]
104 #self._curr_time += time
106 #def __keypress(self, key):
107 #'''Emulates a keypress'''
108 #dev = base.win.getInputDevice(0)
109 #dev.buttonDown(key)
110 #dev.buttonUp(key)
112 #def __char_entered(self, char):
113 #'''Emulates a character being entered.'''
114 #dev = base.win.getInputDevice(0)
115 #dev.keystroke(ord(char))
117 # def _event(self, time, evt, messenger_evt=False, append_up=True, mouse_args=None):
118 # def _append_up(evt_name):
119 # return evt + ('' if evt.endswith('-up') or not append_up else '-up')
120 # def cback_char(_evt):
121 # self.__char_entered(_evt)
122 # def cback_keyp(_evt):
123 # self.__keypress(_evt)
124 # self.__keypress('raw-' + _evt)
125 # cback = lambda: (cback_char(evt) if len(evt) == 1 else cback_keyp(evt))
126 # if evt in ['mousemove', 'mouseclick', 'mousedrag']:
127 # if evt == 'mousemove':
128 # cback = lambda: self.__mouse_move(*mouse_args)
129 # elif evt == 'mouseclick':
130 # cback = lambda: self.__mouse_click(*mouse_args)
131 # elif evt == 'mousedrag':
132 # cback = lambda: self.__mouse_drag(*mouse_args)
133 # if messenger_evt:
134 # cback = lambda: messenger.send(_append_up(evt))
135 # self._tasks += [(
136 # self._curr_time + time,
137 # cback,
138 # 'event: %s' % evt)]
139 # def txt(show_hide):
140 # self.txt['text'] = evt
141 # (self.txt.show if show_hide else self.txt.hide)()
142 # self._tasks += [(
143 # self._curr_time + time + .2,
144 # lambda: txt(True),
145 # 'event: %s (show)' % evt)]
146 # self._tasks += [(
147 # self._curr_time + time + .8,
148 # lambda: txt(False),
149 # 'event: %s (hide)' % evt)]
150 # self._curr_time += time
152 # def _enforce_res(self, time, res):
153 # cback = lambda: messenger.send('enforce_res', [res])
154 # self._tasks += [(
155 # self._curr_time + time,
156 # cback,
157 # 'enforce res: %s' % res)]
158 # self._curr_time += time
160 def __verify(self, task):
161 files = glob(self._path + '*')
162 for fname in self._fnames:
163 info('verifying %s' % fname)
164 assert exists(fname)
166 #def on_frame_unpausable(self, task):
167 #self._process_conn()
168 #for tsk in self._tasks:
169 # #if self._prev_time <= tsk[0] < self.eng.event.unpaused_time:
170 # if self._prev_time <= tsk[0] < globalClock.getFrameTime():
171 # debug('%s %s' % (tsk[0], tsk[2]))
172 # tsk[1]()
173 #self._prev_time = globalClock.getFrameTime() # self.eng.event.unpaused_time
174 #return task.cont
176 # def _do_screenshots_1(self):
177 # info('_do_screenshots_1')
178 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.start_time, 'main_menu')
179 # self._do_screenshots_credits()
180 # self._do_screenshots_options()
181 # self._do_screenshots_exit()
183 # def _do_screenshots_credits(self):
184 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 450), 'left'])
185 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'credits_menu')
186 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 680), 'left'])
187 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'main_menu_back_from_credits')
188 # # # go to credits
189 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'joypad0-dpad_down', True)
190 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
191 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'joypad0-dpad_down', True)
192 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
193 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'main_menu_highlight')
194 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
195 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'credits_menu')
196 # # # go to supporters
197 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'joypad0-face_a', True)
198 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'supporters_menu')
199 # # # back to main
200 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
201 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'joypad0-face_b', True)
202 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
203 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
204 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
205 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
207 # def _do_screenshots_options(self):
208 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 300), 'left'])
209 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu')
210 # # languages
211 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 60), 'left'])
212 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'open_languages')
213 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(980, 120), 'left'])
214 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_italian')
215 # # volume
216 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(740, 163), 'left'])
217 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_drag_1')
218 # # antialiasing
219 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 440), 'left'])
220 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'antialiasing_no')
221 # # shadows
222 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 540), 'left'])
223 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'shadows_no')
224 # # test aa and shadows
225 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 680), 'left']) # back
226 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 140), 'left']) # play
227 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(230, 160), 'left']) # domino
228 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(900, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
229 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'aa_no_shadows_no')
230 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(25, 740), 'left']) # home
232 # def _do_screenshots_restore_options(self):
233 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 300), 'left'])
234 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_restored')
235 # # languages
236 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 60), 'left'])
237 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'open_languages_restored')
238 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(980, 20), 'left'])
239 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_english')
240 # # volume
241 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(719, 163), 'left'])
242 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_drag_2')
243 # # fullscreen
244 # # the first one is because of the windowed mode in test
245 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 250), 'left'])
246 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fullscreen')
247 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 250), 'left'])
248 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fullscreen')
249 # # self._event(8 + FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 250), 'left'])
250 # # self._screenshot(8 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'back_from_fullscreen')
251 # # resolution
252 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 340), 'left'])
253 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'resolutions')
254 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1020, 160), 'left'])
255 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, '1440x900')
256 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(740, 400), 'left'])
257 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'resolutions_2')
258 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1110, 80), 'left'])
259 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, '1360x768')
260 # # antialiasing
261 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 440), 'left'])
262 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'antialiasing_yes')
263 # # shadows
264 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 540), 'left'])
265 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'shadows_yes')
266 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 680), 'left']) # back
268 # # # go to options
269 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
270 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
271 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
272 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu')
273 # # # language
274 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
275 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'language_open')
276 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
277 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'language_highlight')
278 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
279 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'language_it')
280 # # # volume
281 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
282 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_right')
283 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_right')
284 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'volume')
285 # # # car's number
286 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
287 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
288 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'cars_open')
289 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
290 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'cars_changed')
291 # # # back
292 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
293 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
294 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
295 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
296 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
297 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
299 # def _do_screenshots_play(self):
300 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 140), 'left']) # play
301 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'play_menu')
302 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 680), 'left']) # back
303 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'back_from_play')
304 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 140), 'left']) # play
305 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(230, 160), 'left']) # domino scene
306 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_domino_instructions')
307 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(850, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
308 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_domino')
309 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(25, 740), 'left']) # home
310 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'home_back_from_scene')
311 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 140), 'left']) # play
312 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(230, 160), 'left']) # domino
313 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(850, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
314 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(70, 740), 'left']) # info
315 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'info')
316 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(850, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
317 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(35, 60), (430, 280), 'left']) # drag a piece
318 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'domino_dragged')
319 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1220, 740), 'left']) # rewind
320 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'rewind')
321 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(35, 60), (550, 380), 'left']) # drag a piece
322 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(35, 60), (715, 380), 'left']) # drag a piece
323 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
324 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_domino')
325 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(630, 450), 'left']) # home
326 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'home_back_from_fail')
327 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 140), 'left']) # play
328 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(230, 160), 'left']) # domino
329 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(850, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
330 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(35, 60), (550, 380), 'left']) # drag a piece
331 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(35, 60), (715, 380), 'left']) # drag a piece
332 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
333 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_domino_2')
334 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 450), 'left']) # replay
335 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(35, 60), (570, 380), 'left']) # drag a piece
336 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(570, 355), (605, 355), 'right']) # rotate the piece
337 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(35, 60), (715, 380), 'left']) # drag a piece
338 # self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'win')
339 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
340 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_domino')
341 # self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, '')
342 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(735, 450), 'left']) # next
343 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_box')
344 # # scene 2
345 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(880, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
346 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(65, 60), (710, 620), 'left']) # drag a box
347 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(65, 60), (710, 540), 'left']) # drag a box
348 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
349 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_box')
350 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 450), 'left']) # replay
351 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(65, 60), (710, 620), 'left']) # drag a box
352 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(65, 60), (710, 540), 'left']) # drag a box
353 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(65, 60), (705, 460), 'left']) # drag a box
354 # self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'win')
355 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
356 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_box')
357 # self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, '')
358 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(735, 450), 'left']) # next
359 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_box_domino')
360 # # scene 3
361 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(930, 485), 'left']) # close instructions
362 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(65, 60), (910, 440), 'left']) # drag a box
363 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(65, 60), (910, 360), 'left']) # drag a box
364 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
365 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_box_domino')
366 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 450), 'left']) # replay
367 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(65, 60), (910, 440), 'left']) # drag a box
368 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(65, 60), (835, 250), 'left']) # drag a box
369 # self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'win')
370 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
371 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_box_domino')
372 # self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, '')
373 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(735, 450), 'left']) # next
374 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_basketball')
375 # # scene 4
376 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(870, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
377 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(55, 50), (650, 310), 'left']) # drag a ball
378 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
379 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_basketball')
380 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 450), 'left']) # replay
381 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(55, 50), (380, 50), 'left']) # drag a ball
382 # self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'win')
383 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
384 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_basketball')
385 # self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, '')
386 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(735, 450), 'left']) # next
387 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_domino_box_basketball')
388 # # scene 5
389 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(865, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
390 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(65, 60), (580, 440), 'left']) # drag a box
391 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(30, 60), (590, 370), 'left']) # drag a piece
392 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
393 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_domino_box_basketball')
394 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 450), 'left']) # replay
395 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(65, 60), (580, 440), 'left']) # drag a box
396 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(30, 60), (660, 440), 'left']) # drag a piece
397 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(660, 425), (625, 425), 'right']) # rotate a piece
398 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(660, 435), (650, 445), 'left']) # drag a piece
399 # self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'win')
400 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
401 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_domino_box_basketball')
402 # self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, '')
403 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(735, 450), 'left']) # next
404 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_teeter_tooter')
405 # # # scene 6
406 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(820, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
407 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (490, 300), 'left']) # drag a box
408 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
409 # # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_teeter_tooter')
410 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 420), 'left']) # replay
411 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (490, 150), 'left']) # drag a box
412 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(515, 115), (515, 122), 'right']) # rotate a box
413 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
414 # # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_teeter_tooter')
415 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(690, 420), 'left']) # next
416 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_teeter_domino_box_basketball')
417 # # # scene 7
418 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(880, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
419 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (155, 180), 'left']) # drag a box
420 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
421 # # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_teeter_domino_box_basketball')
422 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(640, 420), 'left']) # replay
423 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(60, 60), (170, 80), 'left']) # drag a box
424 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mousedrag', False, False, [(195, 50), (195, 80), 'right']) # rotate a box
425 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
426 # # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_teeter_domino_box_basketball')
427 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(630, 450), 'left']) # home
428 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'home_from_play')
430 # def _do_screenshots_exit(self):
431 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
432 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
433 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
434 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
435 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
436 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
437 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
438 # self._verify()
439 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
440 # # self._exit()
441 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', False, False, [(680, 600), 'left'])
444 # def _do_screenshots_2(self):
445 # info('_do_screenshots_2')
446 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.start_time, 'main_menu_2')
447 # self._do_screenshots_restore_options()
448 # self._do_screenshots_play()
449 # self._do_screenshots_exit()
450 # # self._do_screenshots_game()
451 # # self._do_screenshots_end()
453 # # def _do_screenshots_restore_options(self):
454 # # # go to options
455 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'joypad0-dpad_down', True)
456 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
457 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
458 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_restored')
459 # # # # language
460 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
461 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
462 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
463 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'language_en_restored')
464 # # # # volume
465 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
466 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_left')
467 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_left')
468 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'volume_restored')
469 # # # car's number
470 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
471 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
472 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
473 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
474 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
475 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
476 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
477 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'cars_restored')
478 # # # graphics settings
479 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
480 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
481 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'graphics_settings')
482 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
483 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
484 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
485 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'antialiasing')
486 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
487 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
488 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
489 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'shadows')
490 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
491 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
492 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
493 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fog')
494 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
495 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
496 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
497 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'normal_mapping')
498 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
499 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
500 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
501 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'occlusion')
502 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
503 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
504 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
505 # # # input
506 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
507 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
508 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'input')
509 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
510 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p1')
511 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
512 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p1_rec')
513 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, '8', True, False)
514 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p1_changed')
515 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
516 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up', True, False)
517 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p1_restored')
518 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
519 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'w', True, False)
520 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p1_already')
521 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
522 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p1_already_closed')
523 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
524 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
525 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
526 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
527 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
528 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p2')
529 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
530 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
531 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
532 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
533 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
534 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p3')
535 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
536 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
537 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
538 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
539 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
540 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'keyboard_p4')
541 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
542 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
543 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
544 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
545 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
546 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
547 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
548 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
549 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
550 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
551 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
552 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
553 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
554 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
555 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
556 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
557 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
559 # # def _do_screenshots_game(self):
560 # # # single player
561 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
562 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'single_player_menu')
563 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
564 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'track_page')
565 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
566 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'car_page_start')
567 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_left')
568 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'car_page_sel')
569 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
570 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'driver_page_start')
571 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
572 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
573 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
574 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
575 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
576 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
577 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
578 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
579 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
580 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
581 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
582 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_left')
583 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
584 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
585 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
586 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
587 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
588 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_left')
589 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
590 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_up')
591 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
592 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'driver_page_entry')
593 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
594 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
595 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
596 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
597 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
598 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
599 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
600 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
601 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
602 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'backspace')
603 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'driver_page_entry_empty')
604 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'f')
605 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'l')
606 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'a')
607 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'v')
608 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'i')
609 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'o')
610 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'enter')
611 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'driver_page_entry_full')
612 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
613 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_right')
614 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'driver_page_sel')
615 # # # some ai tests
616 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
617 # # self._event(40, 'escape-up')
618 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'ingame_menu')
619 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
620 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'race_back')
621 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'escape-up')
622 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
623 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'ingame_sel')
624 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
625 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'main_page_back_race')
627 # # def _do_screenshots_end(self):
628 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
629 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
630 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
631 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
632 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
633 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
634 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'exit_page')
635 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'arrow_down')
636 # # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'exit_page_sel')
637 # # self._verify()
638 # # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'rcontrol')
639 # # self._exit()
641 # def _do_screenshots(self, idx):
642 # [self._do_screenshots_1, self._do_screenshots_2][int(idx) - 1]()