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[pmachines.git] / lib / tools / functional_test.py
1'''Create ref:
2* M-x fla-set-fun-test
3* rm options.ini
4* python main.py --functional-test --functional-ref & python -m lib.tools.functional_test.py 1
5* python main.py --functional-test --functional-ref & python -m lib.tools.functional_test.py 2
6* M-x fla-unset-fun-test'''
7from panda3d.core import load_prc_file_data
8load_prc_file_data('', 'window-type none')
9import datetime
10from time import sleep
11from os import getcwd, system
12from multiprocessing.connection import Client
13from logging import debug, info
14from pathlib import Path
15from shutil import rmtree
16from os import makedirs
17from os.path import join, exists
18from glob import glob
19from sys import exit, argv
20from panda3d.core import Filename
21from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
22from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText
23from lib.gameobject import GameObject
24from lib.build.build import _branch
27class FunctionalTest(GameObject):
29 screenshot_time = 1.2
30 evt_time = 1.0
31 drag_time = 1.0
32 start_time = 2
68f6c184 34 def __init__(self, idx, offset):
35 super().__init__()
36 info('test idx: %s' % idx)
68f6c184 37 self._offset = offset
38 sleep(5)
39 address = ('localhost', 6000)
40 self._conn = Client(address)
41 self._curr_time = 0
42 self._tasks = []
43 self._prev_time = 0
44 taskMgr.add(self.on_frame_unpausable, 'on-frame-unpausable')
6d722600 45 self._conn.send(['set_idx', idx])
46 self._do_screenshots(idx)
48 def _do_screenshot(self, name):
49 time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%y%m%d%H%M%S')
50 name = name + '.png'
51 self._conn.send(['screenshot', name])
52 info('screenshot %s' % name)
54 def _screenshot(self, time, name):
55 self._tasks += [(
56 self._curr_time + time,
57 lambda: self._do_screenshot(name),
58 'screenshot: %s' % name)]
59 self._curr_time += time
61 def __mouse_click(self, pos, btn):
62 offset_x = int((1920 - 1360) / 2) #+ 1 # xfce decorations
63 offset_y = int((1080 - 768) / 2) #+ 24 + self._offset # xfce decorations
64 btn = 3 if btn == 'right' else 1
65 system('xdotool mousemove %s %s' % (offset_x + pos[0], offset_y + pos[1]))
66 def click(task):
67 system('xdotool click %s' % btn)
c8e3e941 68 taskMgr.do_method_later(.28, click, 'click')
70 def __mouse_drag(self, start, end, btn):
71 offset_x = int((1920 - 1360) / 2) #+ 1 # xfce decorations
72 offset_y = int((1080 - 768) / 2) #+ 24 + self._offset # xfce decorations
73 btn = 3 if btn == 'right' else 1
74 system('xdotool mousemove %s %s' % (offset_x + start[0], offset_y + start[1]))
75 def mousedown(task):
76 system('xdotool mousedown %s' % btn)
77 def mousemove(task):
78 system('xdotool mousemove %s %s' % (offset_x + end[0], offset_y + end[1]))
79 def mouseup(task):
80 system('xdotool mouseup %s' % btn)
81 taskMgr.do_method_later(.28, mouseup, 'mouseup')
82 taskMgr.do_method_later(.28, mousemove, 'mousemove')
83 taskMgr.do_method_later(.28, mousedown, 'mousedown')
85 def _event(self, time, evt, mouse_args=None):
86 if evt == 'mouseclick':
87 cback = lambda: self.__mouse_click(*mouse_args)
88 elif evt == 'mousedrag':
89 cback = lambda: self.__mouse_drag(*mouse_args)
90 self._tasks += [(
91 self._curr_time + time,
92 cback,
93 'event: %s' % evt)]
94 self._curr_time += time
96 def _enforce_res(self, time, res):
97 def cback():
98 self._conn.send(['enforce_res', res])
99 info('enforce_res %s' % res)
100 self._tasks += [(
101 self._curr_time + time,
102 cback,
103 'enforce res: %s' % res)]
104 self._curr_time += time
106 def _verify(self):
107 def __verify():
108 self._conn.send(['verify'])
109 info('verify')
110 self._tasks += [(
111 self._curr_time + 3,
112 lambda: __verify(),
113 'verify')]
114 self._curr_time += 3
116 def _exit(self):
117 def do_exit():
118 self._conn.close()
119 exit()
120 self._tasks += [(
121 self._curr_time + 3,
122 lambda: do_exit(),
123 'exit')]
125 def on_frame_unpausable(self, task):
126 for tsk in self._tasks:
127 #if self._prev_time <= tsk[0] < self.eng.event.unpaused_time:
128 if self._prev_time <= tsk[0] < globalClock.getFrameTime():
129 debug('%s %s' % (tsk[0], tsk[2]))
130 tsk[1]()
131 self._prev_time = globalClock.getFrameTime() # self.eng.event.unpaused_time
132 return task.cont
134 def _do_screenshots_1(self):
135 info('_do_screenshots_1')
136 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.start_time, 'main_menu')
137 self._do_screenshots_credits()
138 self._do_screenshots_options()
139 self._do_screenshots_exit()
141 def _do_screenshots_credits(self):
142 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 450), 'left'])
143 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'credits_menu')
144 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 680), 'left'])
145 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'main_menu_back_from_credits')
147 def _do_screenshots_options(self):
148 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 300), 'left'])
149 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu')
150 # languages
151 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 60), 'left'])
152 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'open_languages')
153 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(980, 120), 'left'])
154 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_italian')
155 # volume
156 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(740, 163), 'left'])
157 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_drag_1')
158 # antialiasing
159 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 440), 'left'])
160 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'antialiasing_no')
161 # shadows
162 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 540), 'left'])
163 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'shadows_no')
164 # test aa and shadows
165 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 680), 'left']) # back
166 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 140), 'left']) # play
167 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(230, 160), 'left']) # domino
168 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(900, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
169 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'aa_no_shadows_no')
170 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(25, 740), 'left']) # home
172 def _do_screenshots_restore_options(self):
173 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 300), 'left'])
174 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_restored')
175 # languages
176 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 60), 'left'])
177 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'open_languages_restored')
178 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(980, 20), 'left'])
179 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_english')
180 # volume
181 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(719, 163), 'left'])
182 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'options_menu_drag_2')
183 # fullscreen
184 # the first one is because of the windowed mode in test
185 # it does not work with ffmpeg recording
186 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 250), 'left'])
187 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fullscreen')
188 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 250), 'left'])
189 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fullscreen')
190 # self._event(8 + FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(440, 120), 'left'])
191 # self._screenshot(8 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'back_from_fullscreen')
361d3942 192 # resolution
193 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 340), 'left'])
194 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'resolutions')
195 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1000, 400), 'left'])
196 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, '1440x900')
197 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(740, 400), 'left'])
198 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'resolutions_2')
199 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1110, 80), 'left'])
200 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, '1360x768')
201 # antialiasing
202 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 440), 'left'])
203 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'antialiasing_yes')
204 # shadows
205 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 540), 'left'])
206 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'shadows_yes')
207 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 680), 'left']) # back
209 def _do_screenshots_play(self):
210 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 140), 'left']) # play
211 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'play_menu')
212 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 680), 'left']) # back
213 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'back_from_play')
214 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 140), 'left']) # play
215 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(230, 160), 'left']) # domino scene
216 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_domino_instructions')
217 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(850, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
218 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_domino')
219 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(25, 740), 'left']) # home
220 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'home_back_from_scene')
221 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 140), 'left']) # play
222 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(230, 160), 'left']) # domino
223 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(850, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
224 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(70, 740), 'left']) # info
225 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'info')
226 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(850, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
227 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(35, 60), (430, 280), 'left']) # drag a piece
228 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'domino_dragged')
229 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1220, 740), 'left']) # rewind
230 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'rewind')
231 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(35, 60), (550, 380), 'left']) # drag a piece
232 # self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(35, 60), (715, 380), 'left']) # drag a piece
233 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
234 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_domino')
235 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(630, 450), 'left']) # home
236 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'home_back_from_fail')
237 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 140), 'left']) # play
238 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(230, 160), 'left']) # domino
239 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(850, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
240 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(35, 60), (550, 380), 'left']) # drag a piece
241 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(35, 60), (715, 380), 'left']) # drag a piece
242 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
243 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_domino_2')
244 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 450), 'left']) # replay
245 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(35, 60), (570, 380), 'left']) # drag a piece
246 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(570, 355), (605, 355), 'right']) # rotate the piece
247 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(35, 60), (715, 380), 'left']) # drag a piece
248 self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'win')
249 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
250 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_domino')
251 self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, '')
252 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(735, 450), 'left']) # next
253 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_box')
254 # scene 2
255 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(880, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
256 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(65, 60), (710, 620), 'left']) # drag a box
257 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(65, 60), (710, 540), 'left']) # drag a box
258 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
259 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_box')
260 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 450), 'left']) # replay
261 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(65, 60), (710, 620), 'left']) # drag a box
262 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(65, 60), (710, 540), 'left']) # drag a box
263 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(65, 60), (705, 460), 'left']) # drag a box
264 self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'win')
265 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
266 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_box')
267 self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, '')
268 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(735, 450), 'left']) # next
269 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_box_domino')
270 # scene 3
271 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(930, 485), 'left']) # close instructions
272 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(65, 60), (910, 440), 'left']) # drag a box
273 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(65, 60), (910, 360), 'left']) # drag a box
274 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
275 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_box_domino')
276 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 450), 'left']) # replay
277 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(65, 60), (910, 440), 'left']) # drag a box
278 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(65, 60), (835, 250), 'left']) # drag a box
279 self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'win')
280 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
281 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_box_domino')
282 self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, '')
283 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(735, 450), 'left']) # next
284 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_basketball')
285 # scene 4
286 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(870, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
287 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(55, 50), (650, 310), 'left']) # drag a ball
288 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
289 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_basketball')
290 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 450), 'left']) # replay
291 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(55, 50), (380, 50), 'left']) # drag a ball
292 self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'win')
293 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
294 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_basketball')
295 self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, '')
296 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(735, 450), 'left']) # next
297 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_domino_box_basketball')
298 # scene 5
299 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(865, 490), 'left']) # close instructions
300 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(65, 60), (580, 440), 'left']) # drag a box
301 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(30, 60), (590, 370), 'left']) # drag a piece
302 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
303 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_domino_box_basketball')
304 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 450), 'left']) # replay
305 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(65, 60), (580, 440), 'left']) # drag a box
306 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(30, 60), (660, 440), 'left']) # drag a piece
307 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(660, 425), (625, 425), 'right']) # rotate a piece
308 self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(660, 435), (650, 445), 'left']) # drag a piece
309 self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'win')
310 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1340, 740), 'left']) # play
311 self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_domino_box_basketball')
312 self._enforce_res(FunctionalTest.evt_time, '')
313 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(735, 450), 'left']) # next
314 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_teeter_tooter')
315 # # scene 6
316 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(820, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
317 # self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(60, 60), (490, 300), 'left']) # drag a box
318 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
319 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_teeter_tooter')
320 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(640, 420), 'left']) # replay
321 # self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(60, 60), (490, 150), 'left']) # drag a box
322 # self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(515, 115), (515, 122), 'right']) # rotate a box
323 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
324 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_teeter_tooter')
325 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(690, 420), 'left']) # next
326 # self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'scene_teeter_domino_box_basketball')
327 # # scene 7
328 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(880, 455), 'left']) # close instructions
329 # self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(60, 60), (155, 180), 'left']) # drag a box
330 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
331 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'fail_teeter_domino_box_basketball')
332 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(640, 420), 'left']) # replay
333 # self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(60, 60), (170, 80), 'left']) # drag a box
334 # self._event(FunctionalTest.drag_time, 'mousedrag', [(195, 50), (195, 80), 'right']) # rotate a box
335 # self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(1260, 695), 'left']) # play
336 # self._screenshot(16 + FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'win_teeter_domino_box_basketball')
337 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(630, 450), 'left']) # home
338 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.screenshot_time, 'home_from_play')
340 def _exit(self):
341 self._tasks += [(
342 self._curr_time + 3,
343 lambda: exit(),
344 'exit')]
346 def _do_screenshots_exit(self):
347 self._verify()
348 self._event(FunctionalTest.evt_time, 'mouseclick', [(680, 600), 'left'])
349 self._exit()
351 def _do_screenshots_2(self):
352 info('_do_screenshots_2')
353 self._screenshot(FunctionalTest.start_time, 'main_menu_2')
354 self._do_screenshots_restore_options()
355 self._do_screenshots_play()
356 self._do_screenshots_exit()
358 def _do_screenshots(self, idx):
359 [self._do_screenshots_1, self._do_screenshots_2][int(idx) - 1]()
362class TestApp(ShowBase):
364 def __init__(self):
365 ShowBase.__init__(self)
366 offset = int(argv[2]) if len(argv) >= 3 else 0
367 fun_test = FunctionalTest(int(argv[1]), offset)